Kinky Baby


Trace is young, hot, and used to being the boss. Hunter isn’t looking for any of that.
When Trace moved from California to Colorado, it was only business. Raised by great businessmen, everything Trace touches turns to gold. At twenty, he’s the youngest and most successful nightclub owner around. With an uncanny talent of always knowing the hottest trends, Trace has fattened his already bulging pockets. He’s content with focusing on his career. Then he meets Hunter, and nothing feels right anymore.

Hunter’s stress has stress. He doesn’t have time for a young, hot, too-much-of-everything guy. In fact, Hunter’s so busy drowning in debt and dealing with his son’s issues, he doesn’t have the energy for anyone. The last thing he needs is sexy, barely-classified-as-an-adult Trace taking over his life. But damn, Trace controls his every thought. Hunter doesn’t know where to go with that. All Hunter knows is, he’d better find a way to let Trace in or lose him forever.

Punk & Sissy Publications via


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