CUM! The Complete Guide to Orgasm


»The Art of the Climax: Forget that old prejudice about men only wanting to finish quickly and get it over with. Among gay men, there is a strong desire for intense, intimate and lasting sex. The average male orgasm lasts 12.2 seconds. Learn to experience this short time to the fullest. Learn how your orgasm can be just the prelude to a whole night of passionate sex: it’s not just a question of physical luck, but also of experience and training. For many men, it’s just a matter of acquiring the right knowledge and letting their fantasies take them there. This book shows you the way to even higher peaks in your climax.«

Bruno Gmünder Verlag via


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Tripper lässt sich vermutlich auch beim Knutschen übertragen • »Zungenküsse können für Gonorrhö-Infektionen verantwortlich sein, warnen australische Wissenschaftler. Für ihre Studie haben sie 3.100 homo- und bisexuelle Männer nach ihren Sexvorlieben befragt.« via Facebook

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