When Your Child Is Gay • What You Need to Know


Coming out can be fraught with difficulty for both parents and child but Wesley C. Davidson, a popular blogger on gay rights issues, and Dr. Jonathan Tobkes, a New York City-based psychiatrist, provide a road map so families can better navigate this rocky emotional terrain. Emphasizing communication and unconditional love, Davidson and Tobkes help parents untangle their own feelings, identify and overcome barriers to acceptance, encourage strong self-esteem in their child, handle negative or hostile reactions to their child’s sexual identity, and more. Filled with case studies and interviews, along with useful action plans and conversation starters, this is a positive, progressive guide to raising healthy, well-adjusted adults.



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"Prince Charming" ab 30. Oktober im RTL-Videoportal

Früher als ursprünglich geplant wird der schwule „Bachelor“ an den Start gehen. 20 Männer werden um den 28-jährigen Nicolas buhlen, der sich am Ende seinen Traummann aussuchen darf. Queer.de via Facebook

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