Rick Day Bel Ami 2018 • Gallery Edition


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Dazu heißt es: It doesn t get bigger than this: This supersized calendar is a companion piece to the stunning book, 04. New York based fashion photographer Rick Day has a gift of capturing the beauty of the male figure. In addition to numerous calendars, his work has been published in magazines like Elle, Genre, Details, Teen Vogue, and GQ. In addition, he has compiled several books devoted to his photography, including Players, Players Two, All Players, and Pioneers. See Bel Ami boys like you ve never seen them before. Rick Day sets the stage for modern male photography, matching his talent for capturing the world s sexiest exhibitionists with the beauty and youth of Bel Ami s impressive roster of talent. The stunning allure and sensuous eroticism of his subjects is a perfect match for the lensman s unique and highly recognizable style. – Rick Day Bel Ami 2018: Gallery Edition (Super Large Size)


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